Life is Better Connected!

You might hear this phrase around CCC.  We have found that those who choose to live in community with other believers find joy and appreciate growing as disciples of Jesus alongside others! It is exciting when the CCC family takes the NEXT STEPS to live and serve in community with other believers. 

Here are some ideas to get started with connections!

  1. Check in at the Welcome Center
  2. Find us on the Church Center App 
  3. Explore the volunteer page and small groups pages on our website
  4. Email a ministry leader. We would love to hear from you!
  5. Complete the Connection Form.

COME to Worship

Be present each week for worship and introduce yourself to those sitting around you!  You might find that the person sitting next to you was hoping for that intentional connection from someone.  Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, 1 Timothy 4:13

Click below to learn more about Community 101, Baptism, and Baby Dedication.  These components are included as Sunday morning opportunities on a quarterly basis.  As part of CCC, you have access to Right Now Media - an on-demand online resource library.

Would you like to become a CCC member? Do you want to know more about what we believe and how we operate? Come to our two-session Community 101 class! We offer C101 once each quarter. When you come, you’ll hear about CCC and how you can be a part of our family. If you've been wanting to learn more about CCC, this next step is for you! You can register for Community 101 on the form below.

Community 101 Registration


Throughout the New Testament, the Bible teaches that baptism is a public expression of worship symbolizing the new life we have when we follow Jesus. In the Bible we see that Jesus’ parents dedicated Him to the Lord (Luke 2:22–40), and He was later baptized as an adult (Matthew 3:16–17).

Water baptism is the outward declaration of your decision to follow Jesus. This is a personal decision and a moment that you can look back on with assurance, proclaiming your faith in front of your friends, family, and church. We’re thrilled to celebrate you and your journey with the Lord! 

Baptism Inquiry

Here at CCC, we support the commitment between the parents and God on the behalf of the child and provide opportunities for Baby Dedications periodically throughout the year. At this ceremony, the parents promise to raise their child in the faith until the child is old enough to make his or her own personal confession of Christ. Contact Emily Gloeckner to learn about our next Baby Dedication service or complete the form below to sign up.

Baby/Child Dedication Registration

What is RightNow Media?

RightNow Media has been called the Netflix of video Bible studies and for good reason. RightNow Media has the largest library of on-demand Bible study videos anywhere. As a part of CCC, you have free access to RightNow Media and its library of more than 14,000 video Bible studies. You can watch on your own, with your kids, or as a Group. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, computer, or TV. Taking the care to be sure the media you're consuming is Biblical-sound is a simple way to take a next step in your faith!

Sign in to RightNow Media »    Request a Login »


CONNECT with Community

Find community in a weekly Small Group or study group as you navigate life with others, guided by God’s Word. 
Matthew 18:20, John 13:34-35, Galatians 6:2

Our mission at CCC is to grow as disciples of Jesus, and to make disciples who will then make disciples themselves. We believe that being part of a group is the best way to accomplish this mission. Through different types of groups, as well as our Discipleship Experience series, we can equip you to better follow Christ and disciple others in their walk with Him.

Learn more about Discipleship & Small Groups

CCC offers many types of support groups, programs, and courses to help you connect with others in similar life situations. Be sure to check out Tuesday Connection, an evening that offers various courses and group meetings specifically geared towards self-care. Support groups offered include: Celebrate Recovery, Embrace Grace, Insight, Griefshare, and more. 

See Current Support Groups »




We want you to join God’s work to change the world through missions, evangelism, and volunteering. 
1 Peter 4:10, Malachi 3:10, Colossians 3:23-24

Sometimes life can feel pretty busy and like there are several things competing for your time. But we also know you'll meet new friends along the way and grow in your relationship with Jesus when you start serving.  Whether it’s an hour, a day, a week, a month, or more, every contribution can make a difference.

See Where You Can Serve »

Step out of your comfort zone to help spread the Bible's news in our state, our nation, and around the world.

View Missions Efforts »

The Bible says in Matthew 6:24 that the top competitor for our commitment to Jesus is money. Giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important to us than material things. Your tithes and gifts are vital to the every-day ministry that takes place at CCC! Your generosity is greatly appreciated and enables us to reach more and more people, giving them a chance to experience a relationship with God. 

Give Now »

We encourage you to choose opportunities that support your journey in life and faith, but also challenge you to grow in your relationship with Christ.

