When Gratitude Leads, Generosity Happens

CCC has maintained a core value of generous giving that supports CCC ministries and facilities, pursues restoration for the hurting through our local outreach - Community Downtown, and provides funding for local, regional, national, and international mission partners.  In addition, Simply Give has been an ongoing ministry effort that provides tangible gifts that meet practical needs during the holiday season.  In 2023, Community Church of Columbus expanded Simply Give to not only highlight these tangible gifts but to also provide a clear view of how financial gifts to CCC are being shared with our CCC ministries and missionaries throughout the entire year.  Each month, there is a ministry we are supporting.  All donations will be collected in the Simply Give corner in the lobby. The goal of Simply Give is to celebrate God’s provision for the body, the community, and for the world with a heart of gratitude. 

Fall Simply Give Campaigns Coming Soon